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Hare Krishna Monk Swami Bhaktimarga who undertakes cross-Canada trek

Walking a distance of 7,800 kilometers across Canada that too not once but thrice. For a smiling Hare Krishna Monk Swami Bhaktimarga, the walk brings him close to nature and people and it also keeps him healthy.

Katie Lewis of The Ottawa Citizen asked the reason for the unusual walk to Swami Bhaktimarga

"Most people have causes. This is a different thing. It's reflective walking."

The swami -- who joined the Hare Krishna in 1973, and was known as John Vis -- says his reasons include his deep respect for nature, an attempt to improve his health and, lastly, because he's on a pilgrimage

So how is the third cross-Canada walk different from the earlier ones?

"It really gets better and better each time," he says.

"Canada really is opening up to alternative forms of life, and I can see a marked difference over the years."

Walking is a great experience. Herman Hesse, famous poet and novelist, used to undertake long walks which inspired him. An early morning walk can do wonders to a person as its builds sensitivity, clears dead thoughts and fills with fresh ideas.