The Bhojpur Shiva Temple , or Bhojeshwar Temple , also known as Somanath of the East is an unfinished temple located at Bhojpur Village near Bhopal , Madhya Pradesh. A massive Shiva
lingam rising to a height of 22 feet and made of a single block of polished stone is the main attraction in this ornate temple. The linga is one of the tallest in India .
Bhojpur is located around 28 km southeast of Bhopal .

Interestingly, the linga faces west that is towards the setting sun. Usually the idols in the temple face east towards the rising sun. This is the usual procedure according to the Vastu Shastra. The linga remained broken for several hundred years due to a roof collapse, which happened during the construction of the temple. Recently, Archaeological Survey of India (ASI) had restored to linga to its original glory.
The Bhojeshwar Temple located near the Betwa River was founded by the legendary Parmar King of Dhar Raja Bhoj (1010-1055).
The surrounding of the unfinished temple is strewn with huge boulders and many of them have intricate carvings. Archaeologists have come up with several theories regarding the incomplete construction. But the temple even in its incomplete state is magnificent.
Presently, the Archaeological Survey of India (ASI) is involved in a major conservation effort of the Bhojpur Shiva Temple . The highlight restoration process has been the temple roof and the meticulous restoration of the huge Shivalingam.