Vakratunda Mahakaya
Suryakoti Samaprabha
Nirvignam Kurume Deva
Sarva kaala sarvada
Oh Lord with twisted tusk and great body
The one with the effulgence of a billion suns
Please remove the obstacles in my path
Always and in all times
How Ganesha Wrote Mahabharata? - Symbolism
The story of Ganesha writing the Mahabharata is a
fascinating mythological tale from Hinduism. According to the legend, Sage
Vyasa, the author of the Mahabharata, needed a scribe to transcribe the epic as
he dictated it. He approached Lord Ganesha, the elephant-headed deity and the
remover of obstacles, for help.
Ganesha agreed to write the epic but on one condition: that
Vyasa would recite the verses without interruption. Vyasa, in turn, laid down
his own condition - that Ganesha should understand the meaning of each verse
before writing it down. Ganesha agreed to this condition as well, and thus
began the monumental task of transcribing the Mahabharata.
During the process, there came a point where Ganesha's pen
broke. Without halting the flow of Vyasa's recitation, Ganesha broke off one of
his own tusks and continued writing with it, thereby fulfilling his promise.
This story symbolizes the divine collaboration between
wisdom (Vyasa) and intellect (Ganesha) in the creation of one of the greatest
epics in Hindu mythology. It also emphasizes the significance of overcoming
obstacles, as embodied by Ganesha, in the pursuit of knowledge and wisdom.
Here are some symbolic interpretations of this story:
Wisdom and Knowledge: Ganesha is revered as the remover of
obstacles and the deity of wisdom and intellect. His presence in the narration
of the Mahabharata symbolizes the importance of wisdom and knowledge in
understanding and preserving the epic. It suggests that profound works like the
Mahabharata require divine wisdom and guidance.
Intellect and Creativity: Ganesha's task of transcribing the
verses symbolizes the harmonization of intellect and creativity. Vyasa,
representing the creative force, relies on Ganesha's intellect to organize and
transcribe the vast and complex narrative of the Mahabharata. This union
signifies the importance of both creativity and intellect in the creation of
great works.
Divine Assistance: The collaboration between Vyasa and
Ganesha illustrates the idea of divine assistance in human endeavors. It
highlights the belief in a higher power guiding and aiding individuals in their
undertakings, emphasizing humility and the acknowledgment of divine grace.
Unity in Diversity: Ganesha's unique appearance, with an
elephant head and a human body, symbolizes the unity of diverse elements.
Similarly, the Mahabharata is a multifaceted epic with numerous characters,
stories, and themes. Ganesha's presence suggests that unity can be found amidst
diversity, and every element contributes to the richness and completeness of
the narrative.
Overcoming Challenges: Ganesha's task of writing down the
verses as fast as Vyasa composed them symbolizes the ability to overcome
challenges and obstacles. It signifies the importance of adaptability, agility,
and perseverance in the face of difficulties, reflecting the themes of
resilience and determination found throughout the Mahabharata.
Overall, the story of how Ganesha wrote the Mahabharata is a profound allegory that conveys deeper philosophical and spiritual truths while emphasizing the significance of wisdom, creativity, divine guidance, unity, and perseverance in the pursuit of great endeavors.