Solar Eclipse and Pregnancy In Hindu Religion - Pregnant Women And Various Beliefs During Surya Grahan In Hinduism
There is lot of fear among many Hindus regarding Surya Grahan (Solar Eclipse) and Pregnancy. Most people want to know about precautions to be taken during Surya Grahanam. The only precaution that you should take is that you should never look at the Sun directly during the Grahan. As a clear cut solution, ancient seers in Hinduism recommend pregnant women remain indoors during Grahan. The mantra chanted during the period is the Santana Gopala Mantra.
Astrological Surya Grahan Viewpoint
Now for those of you believe in astrology, there is a ‘punya kala’ when the Surya Grahan is visible. And people observe fasting during this period. If the Grahan is not visible in the particular region, there is no ‘punya kala’ and there are no restrictions.
There is no restriction in moving around if there is no Surya Grahan in your region.
Surya Grahan Ayurvedic View Point
Some traditions in Hindu religion ask pregnant women to sit or lie down on a mat containing Darbha grass or Kusha Grass. It is also advised to keep some Kusha Grass with the pregnant woman.
Fasting during Surya Grahan
Now there are several Hindu communities that fast (Upvaas) during Surya Grahan. A pregnant woman should take the advice of her doctor before fasting. If you are so particular about fasting, you can fast just during the Surya Grahan period and avoid a complete fast.
The Use of Metal or Sharp Objects During Solar Eclipse
There is a popular belief that pregnant women should not use sharp metal objects like knife, pins etc during the Grahan period. In simple terms they should not cut anything during the period or should not wear pins etc. Some people suggest that it will be hard to stop the blood flow if there is a cut on the body during the period. But this has no proper scientific backing.
Mantra During Surya Grahan
The mantra that is chanted during Surya Grahan by pregnant women is the Santana Gopala Mantra.
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