Ekadashi Tithi is an auspicious day dedicated to Bhagavan Vishnu on the eleventh day of every lunar fortnight in traditional Hindu calendar. Below you can read Ekadashi 2025 dates based on Hindu Lunar Calendar with the timing of paran or fast ending time. Vaikunta Ekadashi in 2025 is on December 30. The famous Devshayani - Ashadi Ekadasi is on July 6, 2025. Nirjala Ekadasi is on June 6/7, 2025. Fasting on Ekadashi is considered highly auspicious and is believed to help in redemption of sins and in attaining Moksha.
Paran ritual should be performed before Dwadashi tithi ends. Dwadasi is the day after Ekadasi - the 12th day of a lunar fortnight.