Param Sant Baba Jaigurudevji Maharaj passed away on May 18,
2012. Here are few thoughts and quotes of the great teacher. Ideal way to show
respect to a great soul is by following his teachings.
Param Sant Baba Jaigurudev Ji Maharaj attributes the present
state of humanity to the five-fold inner weaknesses of man: i.e. lust, anger,
greed, attachment and egoism.
We have attained the human form after passing millions of
ages in the lower species of life. We should therefore utilize this human body
to the fullest extent and for the very purpose for which it is extended.
The main objective of getting this valuable gift – the human
body – is to know ourselves and our creator and return to our original Home,
the ocean of eternal peace and bliss, free from all pain and miseries.
God has kept a treasure in human body. Only the true
spiritual master knows the place. It is with his grace that the inner door of
the treasure is revealed and opened.
The human body is a rented house and has been given for a
fixed period of time. After the expiry of the period the soul will be separated
from the body and the body will remain lifeless. Therefore think as to from
where you have come. Sit in meditation after controlling mind then the ear of
the soul will hear spiritual sound of bliss.
This whole world is not our home, nor will this
world remain as it is today, it is perishable and unstable, all good and bad is
subject to change. This land is the land of death and life, like the house of
clay or sand it can be destroyed at any time. All the materialistic
entanglements of life, money, gold, houses, palaces, and relations are short
lived, nothing goes with us and these entanglements only have made man forget
Bhagavan or the Supreme Truth.
A sensible man knows that this world is impermanent; it is all
illusion and subject to dissolution. That is why detachment is a must, absence
of attachment is detachment. God has given us very limited, rather counted,
breaths and in those breaths only we have to reach our Almighty through