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Chhatrapati Shahu Maharaj Jayanti - Birth Anniversary of Chhatrapati Shahu Maharaj

Chhatrapati Shahu Maharaj, also known as Rajashri Shahu, was a great social reformer and he was the Maharaja of the State of Kolhapur in British India between 1884 and 1922. Chhatrapati Shahu Maharaj birth anniversary is annually held on June 26. In 2025, it is the 151st birth anniversary of Chhatrapati Shahu Maharaj.

During his rule he implemented scores of welfare schemes for the downtrodden. He also started numerous path breaking reformations for freeing people from untouchability.

Chhatrapati Shahu Maharaj Contributions:

Implemented reservation policy for untouchables.
Legal reforms
Abolition of untouchability.
Pioneer of student hostel movement.
Education and employment for lower castes
Free education for all
Opened hostels for all people in Kolhapur
Abolishing child marriage
Widow Remarriage
A patron of the theatre, music and sports