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Showing posts from February, 2015

Thirunavaya Ekadashi 2025 At Thirunavaya Nava Mukunda Temple

Thirunavaya Ekadashi is observed in the Thirunavaya Nava Mukunda Temple in Kerala. Thirunavaya Ekadashi 2025 date is March 10. The Ekadasi falling during the waxing phase of moon in Malayalam month Kumbham is of great significance at the temple. The temple is dedicated to Bhagavan Vishnu as Navamukunda. Legend has it that Goddess Lakshmi and the elephant, Gajendra, worshipped Bhagavan Vishnu here by offering lotus flowers. When the lotus flowers in the pond dwindled, to please his devotee Gajendra, Bhagavan Vishnu is believed to have taken Goddess Lakshmi to his side so that Gajendra will have enough lotus flowers. Another legend has it that the first eight murtis installed by Navayogis disappeared soon after installation and the ninth idol also started sinking and was forcibly stopped. The murti of Bhagavan Vishnu worshipped here is only visible from above knee. The no moon day in Kumbha Masam (February - March) is of importance in the temple and is known as Kumbha V...

How To Worship Maa Kalaratri In Hinduism - A Comprehensive Guide

Comprehensive Guide to Worship Maa Kalratri in Hinduism Maa Kalaratri, the seventh form of Navadurga, is revered as the destroyer of evil and negativity. She is worshipped during Navratri on the seventh day (Saptami), and her fierce form symbolizes the darker aspects of divinity that help eliminate fear and ignorance. Here's a detailed guide to worshiping Maa Kalaratri with emphasis on cleanliness, eco-friendliness, and simple yet powerful rituals. 1. Cleanliness and Preparation Cleanliness is paramount in any Hindu ritual. Follow these steps: Personal Cleanliness: Take a bath early in the morning, preferably before sunrise. Ensure you wear fresh, clean clothes (preferably cotton). Puja Space: Clean the space where you intend to perform the puja thoroughly. Use natural materials like cow dung and water to purify the floor if possible, and use organic incense for a fresh aroma. Eco-Friendly Decor: Decorate the puja area with natur...

Goddess Anumati

Goddess Anumati is mentioned in the Rig Veda. She is invoked for divine favor and she is believed to bless worshippers with wealth, children, long life and wisdom. Anumati is also associated with the moon – some scholars that the age of moon just before full moon is Anumati. Another set of calculation states that a day which has both the 14 th day and full moon in a fortnight is referred as Anumati. Some texts also state that she governs the day when moon is in its third and fourth quarter. The Goddess is worshipped in the ancient Rajasuya Yajna. References to her are found in the Rig Veda, Atharva Veda, Mahabharata and Vishnu Purana. Other References Anumati is also the name of a River mentioned in the Rig Veda. As per Bhagavad Purana, she was the wife of Dhatr Aditya – one of the Adityas. The word Anumati means divine favor or official approval.

Story of the Crescent Moon on Shiva’s Head

All pictures, paintings and idols of Lord Shiva are depicted with a crescent shaped moon (Chandra) on His head. An interesting incident led to Lord Shiva wearing the moon on his head. Daksha, the master of civilization, had married twenty seven of his daughters – the Nakshatras, lunar asterisms, to moon-god, Chandra. But Chandra ignored the 26 Nakshatrams and was enamored by only one among them the beautiful Rohini. The other daughters complained to Daksha about Chandra’s partisan behavior and this angered Daskha who cursed Chandra that your body of which you are so proud will fade away. Soon the body of Chandra started fading away and he approached Lord Vishnu who directed him to Lord Shiva who is the supreme physician and the keeper of the sacred herb Soma. Lord Shiva helped Chandra in regaining his lost luster and glory with the herb Soma. But Daksha cursed him again and he took the help of Lord Shiva and this continued for a long period. Finally, Shiva asked...

Maang Tikka In Hindu Religion – Why Hindu Women Wear Maang Tikka?

Mang Tika is an important ornament of some Hindu communities. It is part of an essential ornament of a bride in Hindu religion. But is there any reason why Hindu women wear Maang Tikka? Most people believe that it is worn as part of beautification. Some suggest there is reason that is associated with good health. There is a belief that wearing Maang Tika helps in controlling the heat in the body. Maang Tikka is made of various metals including gold, sliver and bell metal. It is worn on the head and looks like a hanging pendant. Today the ornament is available in numerous designs. Some are studded with costly stones. Maang Tikka made of diamonds and pearls are in high fashion today. But no one has done a proper research as to do such costly Maang Tikka serve the original purpose.

Are the Holi Water Guns Safe?

Water Guns, known as pichkaris, are an important aspect of Holi celebration. Today, there are various types of pitchkaris available in the market. Some of them have fancy designs and names to attract children. But most of these Holi water guns do not fall into the category of toys. Instead, they are industrial tools. The traditional pichkaris have given way to foreign water guns. Brass cylinder and leather washers were used in traditional pichkaris and they were mainly handicraft products. There was a limit to the size of these water guns. The amount of force exerted through these pichkaris was minimal and the chances of children or adults getting injured were limited. The modern water guns are made of plastic or tin and use nylon washers. They are available in different sizes and designs. They have less weight, larger stroke length and larger diameter. The net result is that large amount of fluid can be delivered in one stroke at a very high speed and pressure. The chances ...

Kubera Temple at Karnali near Vadodara in Gujarat – Kuber Bhandari Temple

The village Karnali located near Vadodara in Gujarat is famous for a very ancient temple of Lord Kuber Bhandari . Kuber is the treasurer of gods and he is believed to bless devotees with money, wealth and material possessions.  Kuber Bhandari Temple is situated on the banks of Narmada River and is believed to be as old as 2,500 years. Legend has it that Kuber offered prayers to Shiva at Karnali after he lost all his wealth to Ravana. Shiva was pleased with the penance and blessed him to be the treasurer of gods. The shrine has murti of Kuber Bhandari and a swayambhu Shivling and is located in a serene spot. The temple is located around 120 km from Vadodara. Vadodara to Dabhoi is around 55 km. From Dabhoi one has to reach Limpura which is around 60 km. From Limpura it is around 8 km.

Key Teachings From Taittiriya Upanishad

The Taittiriya Upanishad is one of the primary Upanishads, a significant part of the ancient Indian scriptures. It is known for its philosophical teachings and guidance on living a righteous life. Here are some key teachings from the Taittiriya Upanishad: 1. The Layers of the Self The Upanishad describes the human being as composed of five sheaths (Pancha Koshas), each representing different aspects of existence: Annamaya Kosha (Physical Body): The sheath of food, representing the physical body. Pranamaya Kosha (Vital Energy): The sheath of vital energy or life force. Manomaya Kosha (Mind): The sheath of the mind, representing emotions and thoughts. Vijnanamaya Kosha (Intellect): The sheath of intellect, representing wisdom and discernment. Anandamaya Kosha (Bliss): The sheath of bliss, representing the innermost core of joy and pure consciousness. 2. The Pursuit of Knowledge (Vidya) The Upanishad emphasizes the importance of pursuing knowledge (Vidya) for spiritua...

Why is Ganesha depicted in the form of Symbol OM?

Before the creation of the present Universe there was a great deluge, pralaya. It had destroyed the Universe as it existed then. According to Hinduism, creation has no beginning or end – the endless cycle continues. After a great deluge there is Shanti or peace. This peace is broken with the sound OM or AUM – the sound which emanates from the Supreme Soul. The Ganapatya Cult, or the followers of Ganesha, believes that OM or Pranava Mantra the symbol of Brahman is embodied in the form of Ganesha. It is believed that Ganesh is the first word or the first cause. This is the reason why occasionally Ganesha is depicted in the form of symbol ‘ Om. ’ You may also like to read Flowers and leaves offered to Lord Ganesh

Ashtadravyam – Ashta Dravya In Ganapathi Homam

Ashta Dravya, or Ashtadravyam, are eight sacred puja items that are offered to Lord Ganesha during the special puja known as Ashta Dravya Maha Ganapathi Homam. It is offered to Lord Ganesh to get his blessings – who blesses with wealth, prosperity and long life. The eight sacred things that are part of the Ashta Dravya are: Coconuts, Molasses (jaggery), Sesame Oil, Sugarcane, Honey, Rice flakes Banana Rice. In some places Ashta Dravya are Dried coconut, puffed rice, jaggery, banana (kadali plantain), honey, sesame, sugarcane and fried paddy of rice. For some communities Ashta Dravya are Coconut, Banana, Honey, Sugarcane, Ghee, Modhaka, Jaggery, Puffed rice. The concept of Ashta Dravya is of South Indian origin and is more popular with Hindu communities in South India . Ashta Dravya is also presented to little children, who are new initiates into the world of learning, by the Guru after receiving Gurudakshina (limited to some communities). Ashta Dravya ...

Why Parijata is known as Night Jasmine? – Why its flowers bloom only at night? – Why Parijata Tree is also known as Sad Tree? – Stories in Hinduism

Parijata is known as night jasmine as its flowers bloom only at night and they fall off before sunrise. A story mentioned in Vayu Purana indicates about this unique aspect and also why Parijata is sad tree or the tree of sorrow. In fact there are numerous stories in Hinduism which give reason to unique behavior of the tree. In all the stories sun is the villain. Legend has it that a king had a daughter named Parijataka. She fell in love with Surya, the sun god. Surya reciprocated her love but as he could not stay with her, he betrayed her by abandoning her. Unable to bear the pain and insult, Parijataka burnt herself to death. Soon parijata shrub appeared in the places where her ashes fell. As Parijataka is angry and cannot bear the sight of the sun, its flowers bloom at night and fall off before sunrise. As the tree appeared after a heartbreaking incident, it is also known as tree of sorrow or sad tree.

Dauji Temple at Talvan near Mathura in Uttar Pradesh

Dedicated to Balram, Dauji Temple is located at Talvan, which is around 10 km west of Mathura , in Uttar Pradesh. The temple has murtis of Balrama (Dauji) and his consort Revati. There is also a murti of Sri Krishna in the main altar. An outer courtyard leads to the main altar of the temple. To the right of the temple there is the Balbhadra kund or sacred pond. The temple also has a few Tal trees. The region takes its name from these trees. Devotees offer worship to the tree as these trees were present when Balram, Sri Krishna, Gopas and Gopis roamed in Talvan. The divine brothers had killed demon named Dhenukasura at Talvan.

How To Worship Maa Katyayani In Hinduism - A Comprehensive Guide

Comprehensive Guide on How to Worship Maa Katyayani in Hinduism Maa Katyayani is the sixth form of the Goddess Durga, worshipped especially during the Navratri festival. She is believed to bestow strength, courage, and resolve, helping devotees overcome obstacles, especially in personal relationships and marriage. Below is a detailed guide on how to perform Maa Katyayani Puja, including cleanliness, time, attire, puja items, simple steps, prasad, mantras, and eco-friendly options. Cleanliness and Preparation Personal Hygiene : Ensure that you bathe and wear clean clothes before beginning the puja. Puja Space : The area where the puja is performed should be clean. You can sprinkle water mixed with turmeric or Ganga water to purify the space. Eco-friendly Setup : Use eco-friendly materials for setting up the altar. Ensure that all items used are biodegradable or reusable, avoiding plastic or chemical-laden products. Time for Worship Morning : The ideal time to worship Maa Katyayani is ea...

Story Of Balarama And Demon Dhenukasura - Donkey

The story of Balarama, the elder brother of Sri Krishna, and demon Dhenukasura (donkey demon) is found in the Vishnu Purana and Srimad Bhagavad Purana. Sri Krishna, Balarama and other gopas used wander through the woods with their cattle. Once during their mini excursions, they reached the region of forest controlled by demon Dhenukasura. The area was filled with Palmyra Palm trees – known as Tal or Taltar in Hindi and Panai in Tamil. The trees were filled with ripe fruit and the gopas wanted to taste them. They asked Balram and Sri Krishna to pluck some fruits. The brothers shook some trees and brought down numerous fruits. The fruits made loud noise when they fell down. This alerted Dhenukasura. He took the form of an ass and charged towards the brothers. As per some stories, Dhenuka is referred to as the donkey demon. The demon in the form of ass began to kick Balram on his breast with his hinder heels. Balrama seized both the hind legs and whirled the demon ...

Sex workers of Varanasi offering Puja at Manikarnika Cremation Ghat during Chaitra Navratri

Nagar Vadhus of Kashi (sex workers or bride of the city) offers a unique puja at Manikarnika Cremation Ghat during Chaitra Navratri. Dance and music are played while the dead are being cremated. This takes place during the seventh night of Chaitra Navratri – April 4, 2025. This is a very ancient tradition. The sex workers of Varanasi dance and play music while offering prayers to Shiva at Manikarnika Cremation Ghat. After performing religious rituals, they present dance and music at the makeshift stage amid the burning pyres in respect of the lord of cremation ground.

How to Worship Maa Skanda Mata in Hinduism: A Comprehensive Guide

Maa Skanda Mata is the fifth form of the Navadurga (nine forms of the Goddess Durga), worshipped on the fifth day of Navratri. She is the mother of Lord Kartikeya (also known as Skanda), and her blessings help in attaining wisdom, prosperity, and success. Here is a comprehensive guide to worshipping Maa Skanda Mata with a focus on simplicity, cleanliness, and eco-friendliness. 1. Cleanliness and Preparation Cleanliness is essential when worshipping any deity in Hinduism. Home and Puja Space: Start by cleaning the entire house, especially the space where the puja will be conducted. Use natural cleaning agents such as cow dung (gobar) or neem water, which are eco-friendly. Personal Cleanliness: Bathe before performing the puja. Ensure you're wearing clean clothes. 2. Timings of the Puja The best time to worship Maa Skanda Mata is during the early morning hours (Brahma Muhurta) between 4:00 AM to 6:00 AM. If morning time isn’t possible, you can also perform the puja in the evening a...

Ma Chausatti Devi – About Goddess Chausath

Goddess Chausatti Devi is a manifestation of Mother Goddess Shakti. She is associated with the 64 yoginis. Goddess Chausath is regarded as 64 yoginis and she is their swarupa. It is believed that Ma Chausatti Devi represents the combined form or the combined energy of the 64 goddesses. The concept of sixty four Yoginis or Chausath Yoginis is very popular in eastern parts of  India  especially in Orissa. They are the divine female attendants of Goddess Kali and Bhairava form of Shiva. One of the popular temples dedicated to Ma Chausatti Devi (in single form) is located in Varanasi in Uttar Pradesh. She is worshipped for overcoming fear of enemies and darkness.

How to Make Natural Holi Colours at Home?

It is said that Lord Krishna used play Holi with bright-orange Tesu flowers. Earlier, many people used to make natural colours for Holi at home. Today, most people might not be aware of this fact as we are used to ready made chemical colors. Often these chemical colours are harmful and we tend ignore it during the fun. But if you have time, then you can make your own natural colours at home. Dry Red Colour: You can use red sandal wood powder. Powder of dry red hibiscus flowers mixed with any flour will give natural red colour. Wet Red Colour: Mix turmeric powder in water and add few drops of lemon juice. Within seconds, you will get bright red colour. Dry Yellow Colour: Mix two spoons of turmeric powder with four spoons of besan for bright yellow color. Wet Yellow Colour: Mix Two spoons of turmeric in four liters of water and stir well. Wet Orange or Saffron Colour: Peel around 12 large onions and boil in half liter water. Remove the onion peels. Now you will get ...

Ancient Ganesh Murti Found While Carrying Out Works for Building a Temple

A 12 century Ganesh Murti was discovered on the premises of KCP Sugars and Industries Limited at Laxmipuram in Krishna District in Andhra Pradesh. The Ganesha Murti was found while carrying out works for building a temple on the premises of the sugar factory. The murti belongs is carved as per Chalukyan style of carving and is made of granite stone with trunk on the left side. The murti is 3-feet high. The Hindu reports As part of its plans to build Sri Lakshmi Ganapathi temple, the factory management started works at north-east corner using an earthmover. While the earthmover operator was digging, he heard a sound and stopped operating the machine for a while. A few minutes later, he resumed the work only to find a stone structure. When the operator slowly removed the soil, he found a three-foot high Ganesh idol in a sitting posture, said CEO G. Venkateswara Rao.  As the news of the discovery spread fast, people from nearby villages thronged the company and performed ...

How To Worship Maa Kushmanda In Hinduism - A Comprehensive Guide

Comprehensive Guide on How to Worship Maa Kushmanda in Hinduism Maa Kushmanda, the fourth manifestation of Goddess Durga, is worshipped on the fourth day (Chaturthi) of Navratri. She is known as the "Creator of the Universe" and brings light, life, and energy. Worshiping Maa Kushmanda brings health, wealth, and prosperity. Here's a detailed guide to performing the puja of Maa Kushmanda with eco-friendly practices. 1. Cleanliness and Preparation Personal Cleanliness : Bathe early in the morning before starting the puja. Wear clean clothes and maintain a peaceful, sattvic (pure) mindset. Clean Puja Area : Clean the puja space thoroughly. Keep the environment free of clutter and noise. Avoid synthetic cleaning products; use natural cleaners like water mixed with neem leaves or herbal disinfectants. Eco-friendly Altar Setup : Use clay or metal idols of Maa Kushmanda, avoiding plastic or synthetic materials. Place the idol on a clean, natural cloth or a wooden platform. 2. Tim...

Holi Rang Pashi

Rang Pashi is the first day of Holi celebration in Hindu homes and it falls three days before the Purnima or Poornima (Full Moon). Purnima is the day when Holika is burnt or Holi bonfires are lit. It must be noted that in Mathura and Vrindavan the celebrations begin nearly a month before the actual day of celebrations. On the Rang Pashi day, all the members of the family assemble and the eldest member of the family sprinkle colors (gulal) and water with Tesu flowers. Rang Pashi is a subdued celebration of Holi and all the women in the family wear Holi Dandia saris. It is mainly a day of get together and discuss about the preparation for the festival. After the ceremony, sweets like gujia, papri are served. Non-vegetarian dishes are also served on this day. People also enjoy drinks like bhang and other alcoholic beverages.

Abhimukteshwar Form of Shiva

Abhimukteshwar is one of the manifestations of Shiva worshipped in important temples dedicated to Shiva. Abhimukteshwar Mahadev form is worshipped in Ujjain and Kashi. The popular belief is that this form of Shiva helps in attaining moksha immediately. Abhimukteshwar Shivling is found in front of the main shrine in the Kashi Vishwanath Temple complex. Visit to shrine of this form of Shiva is included in the important Parikramas performed in Varanasi . Abhimukteshwar Mahadev is part of the Chaurasi Mahadev Yatra in Ujjain . Symbolically this form of Shiva suggests that an intense desire for attaining self realization is possible instantly. 

Mahabharata Manuscript by Abul Fazal – Court writer of Emperor Akbar – Found in Jamia Nizamia Varsity in India

Abul Fazal was one of the navratnas (nine jewels) of Mughal Emperor Akbar’s royal court. The rare Mahabharat manuscript composed by Abul Fazal was recently discovered in Jamia Nizamia in Hyderabad in India . The translated version is in Persian and runs into 5,012 pages. It was in the personal collection of Moulana Mohammad Anwarullah Farooqui, the founder of Jamia. The manuscript was forgotten and was recently discovered from the old manuscripts in the library of Jamia Nizamia. Jamia Nizamia is one of the oldest Islamic seminaries of higher learning of Sunnis in India .

How To Worship Maa Chandraghanta In Hinduism - A Comprehensive Guide

Comprehensive Guide to Worshipping Maa Chandraghanta in Hinduism Maa Chandraghanta, the third form of Goddess Durga, is worshipped during Navratri and represents courage, grace, and bravery. The name "Chandraghanta" comes from the crescent moon (Chandra) adorning her forehead, shaped like a bell (Ghanta). She is depicted riding a tiger, symbolizing fearlessness. Worshipping Maa Chandraghanta is believed to eliminate all sufferings, attract positivity, and bring prosperity, inner peace, and spiritual progress. Below is a detailed guide on how to properly and eco-consciously worship her: 1. Cleanliness and Preparation: Cleanliness is an essential aspect of Hindu worship. To invite divine blessings, both the physical surroundings and the worshipper should be clean and pure. Home Cleanliness: Clean the home, especially the area where the puja will take place. Mop the floor with water mixed with turmeric or sandalwood for added sanctity. Personal Cleanliness: Take a bath early i...

Shri Waghjai Devi Yatra at Shindewadi near Bhor in Maharashtra

Shri Waghjai Devi Yatra is annually observed in Phalgun month. It is the important annual festival at Waghjai Devi Temple at Shindewadi near Bhor in Maharashtra . The annual fair and festival attracts hundreds of people. Shri Waghjai Devi Yatra 2025 date is March 23. Goddess Waghjai Devi is a manifestation of Mother Goddess Shakti. She is widely worshipped in Maharashtra . She is also the kuldevi or family deity of many families. Shri Waghjai Devi Yatra is observed on Phalgun Krishna Paksha Navami tithi or the ninth day during the waning phase of moon in Phalgun month as per traditional Hindu lunar calendar followed in Maharashtra . 

Chhatrapati Rajaram Maharaj Punyatithi at Sinhgad near Pune

Chhatrapati Rajaram Maharaj Punyatithi is annually observed in Phalgun month. He was the youngest son of Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj, the founder of the Maratha Empire. His mother was Soyarabai and he was the third Chhatrapati of the Maratha Empire. Chhatrapati Rajaram Maharaj Punyatithi 2025 date is on March 23. As per Gregorian calendar, his death anniversary is on March 3, 1700. He had a very short reign. Soon after the coronation he went into exile and fought against the Mughals hiding in various forts. He died finally at Sinhgad near Pune of an unspecified illness. His death anniversary is observed annually on the 9th day during the waning phase of moon in Phalgun month as per Marathi Calendar

Chhatrapati Sambhaji Raje Bhosale Punyatithi – Death Anniversary of Dharmveer Sambhaji Maharaj

Chhatrapati Sambhaji Raje Bhosale's legacy is deeply ingrained in the annals of Indian history, particularly in the context of the Maratha Empire's struggle against the Mughal Empire. As the eldest son of Chhatrapati Shivaji, he inherited not only the throne but also the responsibility of upholding the values and integrity of the burgeoning Maratha Empire. His Balidan din, or death anniversary, is observed annually on the no moon day in Phalgun month as per Marathi Calendar. Chhatrapati Sambhaji Raje Bhosale Punyatithi 2025 date is March 29. As per Gregorian calendar, he died fighting the Mughals on March 11, 1689. Sambhaji Raje Bhosale's reign was marked by both valorous battles and immense challenges. His steadfast commitment to the principles of Hinduism, even in the face of extreme adversity, has earned him widespread reverence and the title of "Dharmveer" or "Defender of Faith." His refusal to yield to Aurangzeb's demand for conversion to I...